
Repertorization is a crucial step in the homeopathic case-taking process


Repertorization is a crucial step in the homeopathic case-taking process

The homeopath systematically analyzes the patient’s symptoms to find the most suitable remedy. This process is based on the principles laid out in the sixth edition of Samuel Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine, particularly Aphorism 104, which discusses the importance of individualizing treatment based on the totality of symptoms.

Aphorism 104 states, “The unprejudiced observer – well aware of the futility of transcendental speculations which can receive no confirmation from experience – be his powers of penetration ever so great, takes note of nothing in every individual disease, except the changes in the health of the body and of the mind (morbid phenomena, accidents, symptoms) which can be perceived externally by means of the senses.”

This aphorism emphasizes the need for the homeopath to be objective and unbiased in their observation of the patient’s symptoms. Rather than relying on theoretical or speculative ideas, the homeopath should focus on the observable changes in the patient’s health, both physical and mental.

When it comes to repertorization, this principle translates into a meticulous examination of the patient’s symptoms. The homeopath carefully notes down each symptom, including its location, sensation, modalities (factors that worsen or improve the symptom), and concomitant (accompanying) symptoms. These symptoms are then matched with the corresponding rubrics (categories) in the repertory.

Aphorism 104 further states, “He regards the morbid phenomena in every individual case of disease as a condition of the state of the organism affected by the disease; as an altered state of the state of the health, and sees in the symptoms of the disease the expression of the struggle of the organism to overcome the obstacle that hinders the return of the organism to its normal state of health.”

This aphorism highlights the dynamic nature of disease and the body’s innate ability to heal itself. The symptoms of the disease are seen as manifestations of the body’s efforts to restore health. In repertorization, the homeopath looks for remedies that can support and stimulate this natural healing process.

Once the symptoms are repertorized, the homeopath selects a few key remedies that closely match the totality of the patient’s symptoms. These remedies are then further analyzed based on the patient’s individual constitution, medical history, and other factors to select the most appropriate remedy for the patient.

In conclusion, repertorization is a systematic process that allows homeopaths to select remedies based on the totality of the patient’s symptoms, in line with the principles laid out in the sixth edition of the Organon of Medicine. It emphasizes the importance of individualizing treatment and focusing on the observable changes in the patient’s health to achieve the best possible outcome.

©Dr.Jitesh Sharma 

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  3. Edna Watson

    Thanks for always keeping your WordPress themes up to date. Your level of support and dedication is second to none.

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