
20 Most Common Homoeopathic Remedies

Materia Medica

20 Most Common Homoeopathic Remedies

1. Abrotanum (Southernwood):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for emaciation, especially in children, with a large, hard abdomen. The child may have a voracious appetite but still waste away.
  • Mental Symptoms: Irritability, restlessness, and a desire to be left alone.
  • Physical Symptoms: Diarrhea with undigested stools, prolapse of the rectum, and weakness in the extremities.

2. Ailanthus Glandulosa (Tree of Heaven):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for septic conditions with offensive discharges and rapid prostration. The patient may have a dusky red appearance and feel worse from heat.
  • Mental Symptoms: Delirium, confusion, and a desire to escape.
  • Physical Symptoms: High fever with hot, dry skin, sore throat with dark red or purple spots, and offensive breath and body odor.

3. Antimonium Crudum (Antimony Trisulfide):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for thick, white coating on the tongue, especially in infants. The patient may have a irritable mood, worse from eating, and may have a tendency towards corns and calluses.
  • Mental Symptoms: Cross and irritable, alternating with tearfulness.
  • Physical Symptoms: Thick, white-coated tongue, indigestion with nausea, and thick, hard corns on the feet.

4. Asafoetida (Gum of the Asafoetida Plant):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for conditions with foul-smelling discharges and gas. The patient may have a sensitive, easily offended nature.
  • Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness, and a feeling of being isolated or cut off from others.
  • Physical Symptoms: Flatulence with offensive odor, headaches with a sensation of a nail being driven into the head, and spasmodic cough.

5. Aurum Metallicum (Metallic Gold):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for deep depression, especially with suicidal thoughts. The patient may have a strong sense of duty and responsibility.
  • Mental Symptoms: Profound depression, with a feeling of worthlessness and self-condemnation.
  • Physical Symptoms: Heart palpitations, headaches with a bursting sensation, and bone pains, especially at night.

6. Baryta Carbonica (Barium Carbonate):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for physical and mental retardation, especially in children. The patient may be shy, timid, and easily influenced.
  • Mental Symptoms: Childish behavior, lack of confidence, and fear of strangers.
  • Physical Symptoms: Enlarged tonsils, glandular swellings, and a tendency to catch colds easily.

7. Bovista (Puffball Mushroom):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for skin conditions with itching and burning, especially after washing. The patient may be absent-minded and clumsy.
  • Mental Symptoms: Absent-mindedness, confusion, and a feeling of being detached from reality.
  • Physical Symptoms: Skin eruptions with itching and burning, diarrhea with rumbling in the abdomen, and headaches with a sensation of a tight band around the head.

8. Bufo Rana (Toad Poison):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for epilepsy, especially in children. The patient may have sudden, violent outbursts of rage.
  • Mental Symptoms: Violent behavior, with a tendency to bite or strike.
  • Physical Symptoms: Epileptic seizures, especially during sleep, with foaming at the mouth and violent movements of the limbs.

9. Cactus Grandiflorus (Night-blooming Cereus):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for heart conditions with constrictive pain. The patient may feel as if a band is tightening around the chest.
  • Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness, and a fear of impending death.
  • Physical Symptoms: Heart palpitations, especially with a sensation of constriction, chest pain that radiates to the left arm, and hot flashes.

10. Caladium Seguinum (American Arum):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for erectile dysfunction, especially in young men. The patient may have a strong desire for tobacco.
  • Mental Symptoms: Forgetfulness, distractibility, and a lack of concentration.
  • Physical Symptoms: Erectile dysfunction, with a complete absence of sexual desire, and itching and burning in the genitals.

11. Cannabis Indica (Indian Hemp):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for mental confusion and hallucinations. The patient may have a fear of going insane.
  • Mental Symptoms: Confusion, disorientation, and a feeling of being disconnected from reality.
  • Physical Symptoms: Red, bloodshot eyes, dry mouth and throat, and a craving for sweets.

12. Carcinosin (Cancer Nosode):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for individuals with a strong family history of cancer or other chronic diseases. The patient may be perfectionistic and overly responsible.
  • Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness, and a fear of failure.
  • Physical Symptoms: Food allergies, asthma, and eczema, especially in children.

13. Castoreum (Beaver Castor):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for conditions with a sensation of constriction, especially in the chest and throat. The patient may be irritable and impatient.
  • Mental Symptoms: Irritability, impatience, and a desire to be alone.
  • Physical Symptoms: Sensation of a lump in the throat, difficulty swallowing, and chest pain with a feeling of constriction.

14. Causticum (Potassium Hydrate):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for conditions with weakness and trembling, especially in the muscles and vocal cords. The patient may be empathetic and sensitive to injustice.
  • Mental Symptoms: Empathy, sensitivity, and a strong sense of justice.
  • Physical Symptoms: Weakness and trembling of the muscles, hoarseness and loss of voice, and involuntary urination.

15. Cina (Santonica Wormseed):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for conditions with irritability and restlessness, especially in children. The patient may have a strong aversion to being touched or approached.
  • Mental Symptoms: Irritability, restlessness, and a desire to be left alone.
  • Physical Symptoms: Grinding of the teeth, especially during sleep, itching of the nose and anus, and abdominal pain with bloating.

16. Coca (Cocaine Plant):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for conditions with nervousness and overexcitement. The patient may be restless and unable to relax.
  • Mental Symptoms: Nervousness, restlessness, and a feeling of being overstimulated.
  • Physical Symptoms: Increased energy and alertness, difficulty sleeping, and a craving for stimulants.

17. Coccus Cacti (Cochineal Insect):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for conditions with persistent coughing and vomiting. The patient may be irritable and easily angered.
  • Mental Symptoms: Irritability, anger, and a desire to be left alone.
  • Physical Symptoms: Spasmodic coughing, especially with vomiting, nausea with a sensation of a lump in the throat, and hoarseness.

18. Colchicum Autumnale (Meadow Saffron):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for conditions with extreme sensitivity to odors. The patient may be nauseous and unable to tolerate the smell of food.
  • Mental Symptoms: Nausea, with a strong aversion to food and drink.
  • Physical Symptoms: Nausea and vomiting, especially from the smell of food, diarrhea with offensive stools, and joint pain with swelling.

19. Colocynthis (Bitter Apple):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for conditions with severe abdominal pain that is better from pressure and bending double. The patient may be irritable and easily angered.
  • Mental Symptoms: Irritability, anger, and a desire to be left alone.
  • Physical Symptoms: Severe colicky pain in the abdomen, especially with diarrhea, sciatica with shooting pains down the legs, and menstrual cramps.

20. Conium Maculatum (Poison Hemlock):

  • Keynotes: Indicated for conditions with weakness and trembling, especially in the muscles and glands. The patient may be anxious and fearful of the future.
  • Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of the future, and a desire for solitude.
  • Physical Symptoms: Weakness and trembling of the muscles, especially in the legs, enlarged and indurated glands, and urinary retention.

©Dr.Jitesh Sharma 

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  1. Edna Watson

    Thanks for always keeping your WordPress themes up to date. Your level of support and dedication is second to none.

  2. Scott James

    To link your Facebook and Twitter accounts, open the Instagram app on your phone or tablet, and select the Profile tab in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

  3. Edna Watson

    Thanks for always keeping your WordPress themes up to date. Your level of support and dedication is second to none.

  4. Scott James

    To link your Facebook and Twitter accounts, open the Instagram app on your phone or tablet, and select the Profile tab in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

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