50 Lesser Used Remedies
- Abies canadensis (Hemlock Spruce):
- Keynotes: Indicated for digestive issues, especially after overeating.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, wet weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating.
- Physical Symptoms: Gastric issues, bloating, constipation.
- Abrotanum (Southernwood):
- Keynotes: Useful for wasting diseases, especially in children.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, damp weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Restlessness, irritability.
- Physical Symptoms: Emaciation, weakness, diarrhea.
- Acalypha indica (Indian Nettle):
- Keynotes: Indicated for respiratory issues, especially asthma.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold air, better in warm room.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of suffocation.
- Physical Symptoms: Wheezing, cough with dyspnea.
- Aconitum lycoctonum (Wolf’s Bane):
- Keynotes: Useful for acute fevers and inflammatory conditions.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, dry winds.
- Mental Symptoms: Sudden onset of symptoms, fear of death.
- Physical Symptoms: High fever, dry skin, intense thirst.
- Actaea spicata (Baneberry):
- Keynotes: Indicated for rheumatic and arthritic pains.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, damp weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Restlessness, anxiety.
- Physical Symptoms: Joint pains, stiffness, muscle weakness.
- Adonis vernalis (Pheasant’s Eye):
- Keynotes: Useful for heart conditions, especially with edema.
- Modalities: Aggravated by motion, better at rest.
- Mental Symptoms: Depression, sadness.
- Physical Symptoms: Heart palpitations, shortness of breath.
- Aegle marmelos (Bael Fruit):
- Keynotes: Indicated for digestive issues, especially diarrhea.
- Modalities: Aggravated by eating fruits.
- Mental Symptoms: Irritability, anger.
- Physical Symptoms: Diarrhea, colicky pains.
- Aethusa cynapium (Fool’s Parsley):
- Keynotes: Useful for digestive issues, especially in infants.
- Modalities: Aggravated by milk, better from pressure.
- Mental Symptoms: Restlessness, crying.
- Physical Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration.
- Agaricus muscarius (Fly Agaric):
- Keynotes: Indicated for neurological issues, especially twitching and trembling.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, wet weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Delirium, confusion.
- Physical Symptoms: Muscle twitching, trembling, itching.
- Agathis australis (Kauri Gum):
- Keynotes: Useful for respiratory issues, especially asthma.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, damp weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of suffocation.
- Physical Symptoms: Wheezing, cough with dyspnea.
- Agnus castus (Chaste Tree):
- Keynotes: Indicated for sexual issues, especially in males.
- Modalities: Aggravated by mental exertion.
- Mental Symptoms: Depression, loss of interest in life.
- Physical Symptoms: Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation.
- Alfalfa (Lucerne Grass):
- Keynotes: Useful for general weakness and debility.
- Modalities: Aggravated by heat, better from open air.
- Mental Symptoms: Fatigue, lack of concentration.
- Physical Symptoms: Weakness, poor appetite, anemia.
- Allium sativum (Garlic):
- Keynotes: Indicated for respiratory issues, especially cough.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, damp weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Irritability, desire for solitude.
- Physical Symptoms: Cough, sore throat, bronchitis.
- Aloe socotrina (Socotrine Aloes):
- Keynotes: Useful for digestive issues, especially constipation.
- Modalities: Aggravated by hot weather, better from cold drinks.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of disease.
- Physical Symptoms: Constipation, hemorrhoids, flatulence.
- Alstonia scholaris (Devil’s Tree):
- Keynotes: Indicated for fever with chills and debility.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, better from warmth.
- Mental Symptoms: Weakness, lethargy.
- Physical Symptoms: Fever, chills, body aches.
- Ammonium carbonicum (Carbonate of Ammonia):
- Keynotes: Useful for respiratory issues, especially cough.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, damp weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of disease.
- Physical Symptoms: Cough, sore throat, bronchitis.
- Amygdalus persica (Peach):
- Keynotes: Indicated for digestive issues, especially nausea.
- Modalities: Aggravated by rich food, better from fasting.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of vomiting.
- Physical Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, indigestion.
- Anacardium orientale (Marking Nut):
- Keynotes: Useful for mental issues, especially memory problems.
- Modalities: Aggravated by mental exertion.
- Mental Symptoms: Forgetfulness, confusion.
- Physical Symptoms: Digestive issues, skin rashes.
- Anantherum muricatum (Garden Millet):
- Keynotes: Indicated for mental issues, especially in children.
- Modalities: Aggravated by mental exertion.
- Mental Symptoms: Restlessness, irritability.
- Physical Symptoms: Digestive issues, skin rashes.
- Anemone pulsatilla (Wind Flower):
- Keynotes: Useful for respiratory issues, especially cough.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, damp weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of disease.
- Physical Symptoms: Cough, sore throat, bronchitis.
- Anthemis nobilis (Chamomile):
- Keynotes: Indicated for teething issues, especially in infants.
- Modalities: Aggravated by anger, better from warmth.
- Mental Symptoms: Irritability, restlessness.
- Physical Symptoms: Teething pains, diarrhea.
- Apocynum cannabinum (Indian Hemp):
- Keynotes: Useful for heart issues, especially with edema.
- Modalities: Aggravated by motion, better at rest.
- Mental Symptoms: Depression, sadness.
- Physical Symptoms: Heart palpitations, shortness of breath.
- Argentum metallicum (Silver):
- Keynotes: Indicated for nervous issues, especially in elderly.
- Modalities: Aggravated by heat, better from cold.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of heights.
- Physical Symptoms: Weakness, trembling, digestive issues.
- Aristolochia clematitis (Birthwort):
- Keynotes: Useful for kidney issues, especially with burning pain.
- Modalities: Aggravated by damp weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of disease.
- Physical Symptoms: Kidney pain, urinary issues.
- Arnica montana (Leopard’s Bane):
- Keynotes: Indicated for injuries, especially bruises and muscle soreness.
- Modalities: Aggravated by touch, better from rest.
- Mental Symptoms: Fear of being touched, irritability.
- Physical Symptoms: Bruises, soreness, muscle stiffness.
- Artemisia vulgaris (Mugwort):
- Keynotes: Useful for digestive issues, especially in women.
- Modalities: Aggravated by rich food, better from fasting.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of disease.
- Physical Symptoms: Digestive issues, menstrual irregularities.
- Asafoetida (Gum of the Stinkasand):
- Keynotes: Indicated for nervous issues, especially in women.
- Modalities: Aggravated by touch, better from rest.
- Mental Symptoms: Fear of being touched, irritability.
- Physical Symptoms: Muscle twitching, spasms, colic.
- Asclepias tuberosa (Pleurisy Root):
- Keynotes: Useful for respiratory issues, especially cough.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, damp weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of disease.
- Physical Symptoms: Cough, sore throat, bronchitis.
- Asterias rubens (Starfish):
- Keynotes: Indicated for menstrual issues, especially with irregularities.
- Modalities: Aggravated by pressure, better from motion.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of disease.
- Physical Symptoms: Menstrual irregularities, breast tenderness.
- Aurum metallicum (Gold):
- Keynotes: Useful for mental issues, especially depression.
- Modalities: Aggravated by sunset, better from sunrise.
- Mental Symptoms: Depression, suicidal thoughts.
- Physical Symptoms: Heart issues, headaches, digestive issues.
- Bacillinum (Tuberculinum):
- Keynotes: Indicated for respiratory issues, especially in children.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, damp weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of suffocation.
- Physical Symptoms: Wheezing, cough with dyspnea.
- Badiaga (Fresh-water Sponge):
- Keynotes: Useful for skin issues, especially acne.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, damp weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Irritability, restlessness.
- Physical Symptoms: Skin eruptions, itching, pimples.
- Baptisia tinctoria (Wild Indigo):
- Keynotes: Indicated for fever with delirium and confusion.
- Modalities: Aggravated by heat, better from open air.
- Mental Symptoms: Delirium, confusion.
- Physical Symptoms: Fever, body aches, sore throat.
- Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade):
- Keynotes: Useful for acute fevers and inflammatory conditions.
- Modalities: Aggravated by light, noise, touch.
- Mental Symptoms: Delirium, hallucinations.
- Physical Symptoms: High fever, red face, throbbing headache.
- Berberis aquifolium (Mountain Grape):
- Keynotes: Indicated for skin issues, especially acne.
- Modalities: Aggravated by heat, better from cold.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness.
- Physical Symptoms: Skin eruptions, itching, pimples.
- Bismuthum metallicum (Bismuth):
- Keynotes: Useful for digestive issues, especially vomiting.
- Modalities: Aggravated by rich food, better from fasting.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of disease.
- Physical Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
- Borax veneta (Borax):
- Keynotes: Indicated for mouth issues, especially canker sores.
- Modalities: Aggravated by noise, better from pressure.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of falling.
- Physical Symptoms: Mouth ulcers, thrush, diarrhea.
- Bovista (Puffball):
- Keynotes: Useful for skin issues, especially eruptions.
- Modalities: Aggravated by warmth, better from cold.
- Mental Symptoms: Confusion, forgetfulness.
- Physical Symptoms: Skin eruptions, itching, acne.
- Bromium (Bromine):
- Keynotes: Indicated for respiratory issues, especially croup.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, damp weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness.
- Physical Symptoms: Cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing.
- Bufo rana (Toad Poison):
- Keynotes: Useful for neurological issues, especially epilepsy.
- Modalities: Aggravated by touch, better from sleep.
- Mental Symptoms: Confusion, irritability.
- Physical Symptoms: Seizures, spasms, twitching.
- Bungarus fasciatus (Banded Krait):
- Keynotes: Indicated for neurological issues, especially paralysis.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, better from warmth.
- Mental Symptoms: Depression, confusion.
- Physical Symptoms: Paralysis, weakness, trembling.
- Buphthalmum salicifolium (Ox-eye Daisy):
- Keynotes: Useful for eye issues, especially conjunctivitis.
- Modalities: Aggravated by light, better from darkness.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, fear of disease.
- Physical Symptoms: Eye redness, itching, discharge.
- Cactus grandiflorus (Night-blooming Cereus):
- Keynotes: Indicated for heart issues, especially with constriction.
- Modalities: Aggravated by motion, better from rest.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness.
- Physical Symptoms: Heart palpitations, chest pain, constriction.
- Calcarea arsenicosa (Arsenite of Lime):
- Keynotes: Useful for skin issues, especially eczema.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, damp weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness.
- Physical Symptoms: Skin eruptions, itching, burning.
- Calendula officinalis (Marigold):
- Keynotes: Indicated for wounds and injuries, especially with suppuration.
- Modalities: Aggravated by touch, better from open air.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness.
- Physical Symptoms: Wounds, cuts, bruises.
- Camphora (Camphor):
- Keynotes: Useful for respiratory issues, especially with congestion.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, better from warmth.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness.
- Physical Symptoms: Cough, chest congestion, colds.
- Capsicum annuum (Cayenne Pepper):
- Keynotes: Indicated for digestive issues, especially indigestion.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, better from warmth.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness.
- Physical Symptoms: Indigestion, heartburn, flatulence.
- Carbo animalis (Animal Charcoal):
- Keynotes: Useful for respiratory issues, especially cough.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, damp weather.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness.
- Physical Symptoms: Cough, sore throat, bronchitis.
- Carbo vegetabilis (Vegetable Charcoal):
- Keynotes: Indicated for digestive issues, especially gas and bloating.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, better from warmth.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness.
- Physical Symptoms: Flatulence, bloating, indigestion.
- Carbolicum acidum (Carbolic Acid):
- Keynotes: Useful for respiratory issues, especially with suffocation.
- Modalities: Aggravated by cold, better from warmth.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness.
- Physical Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, cough, asthma.
©Dr.Jitesh Sharma
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Edna Watson
Thanks for always keeping your WordPress themes up to date. Your level of support and dedication is second to none.
Edna Watson
Thanks for always keeping your WordPress themes up to date. Your level of support and dedication is second to none.
Scott James
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Scott James
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