Polycrest remedies are a group of remedies in homeopathy that are considered to be widely applicable and useful in treating a variety of conditions
Polycrest remedies are a group of remedies in homeopathy that are considered to be widely applicable and useful in treating a variety of conditions
Polycrest remedies are a group of remedies in homeopathy that are considered to be widely applicable and useful in treating a variety of conditions.
They are often used as first-line remedies and are well-known for their broad range of action. Here, we will discuss the most common polycrest remedies, along with their keynotes, mental, physical, and thermal symptoms, as well as their indications for prescription.
1. Aconitum Napellus (Aconite):
- Keynotes: Sudden onset of symptoms, often after exposure to cold, dry winds. Fearful, anxious, and restless, with a fear of death.
- Mental Symptoms: Restlessness, fear, and anxiety, especially about health and future events.
- Physical Symptoms: High fever with a hot, dry skin, intense thirst for cold water, and sudden, violent symptoms.
- Thermal: Chilly, but can also have sudden, intense heat.
2. Arnica Montana (Leopard’s Bane):
- Keynotes: Trauma, bruises, and injuries, with a sore, bruised feeling all over the body. Fear of being touched or approached.
- Mental Symptoms: Irritable, wants to be left alone, and may be fearful.
- Physical Symptoms: Bruises, sprains, and strains, sore and lame muscles, and a feeling of being beaten.
- Thermal: Prefers cool air, but can be sensitive to cold.
3. Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade):
- Keynotes: Sudden onset of symptoms, with intense heat, redness, and throbbing pains. Delirium, with a desire to escape.
- Mental Symptoms: Delirium, hallucinations, and violent behavior.
- Physical Symptoms: High fever with a hot, red face, throbbing headaches, and sensitivity to light, noise, and touch.
- Thermal: Burning heat, but can also have sudden chills.
4. Bryonia Alba (White Bryony):
- Keynotes: Slow onset of symptoms, with stitching, tearing pains that are worse from the slightest movement. Irritable and wants to be left alone.
- Mental Symptoms: Irritable, impatient, and wants to control everything.
- Physical Symptoms: Painful, dry cough, sharp stitching pains in the chest, and constipation with dry, hard stools.
- Thermal: Likes warmth, aggravated by cold.
5. Calcarea Carbonica (Calcium Carbonate):
- Keynotes: Slow, steady, and persistent symptoms, often in individuals who are overweight or have a sluggish constitution. Anxious, especially about health and security.
- Mental Symptoms: Anxious, fearful, and easily overwhelmed.
- Physical Symptoms: Weakness, fatigue, and a tendency to perspire easily, especially on the head.
- Thermal: Chilly, with a craving for warmth.
6. Chamomilla (German Chamomile):
- Keynotes: Extreme irritability, especially in children, who are difficult to console. Oversensitive to pain and touch.
- Mental Symptoms: Irritable, impatient, and angry, with a desire to be carried.
- Physical Symptoms: Colic in infants, with restlessness and screaming, teething troubles, and diarrhea from anger.
- Thermal: Hot, with a red face, but can also be chilly.
7. Gelsemium Sempervirens (Yellow Jasmine):
- Keynotes: Weakness and trembling, especially before an event, like exams or public speaking. Dullness, dizziness, and drowsiness.
- Mental Symptoms: Dullness, dizziness, and a desire to be left alone.
- Physical Symptoms: Weakness and trembling, especially in the limbs, flu-like symptoms, and headaches.
- Thermal: Chilly, with a lack of thirst.
8. Lycopodium Clavatum (Club Moss):
- Keynotes: Lack of confidence, especially in new situations, with a fear of failure. Digestive issues, with bloating and gas.
- Mental Symptoms: Lack of confidence, fear of failure, and irritability.
- Physical Symptoms: Digestive issues, especially after eating, with bloating and gas, and urinary problems.
- Thermal: Chilly, with a craving for warm drinks.
9. Nux Vomica (Poison Nut):
- Keynotes: Overindulgence in food, alcohol, or stimulants, leading to digestive issues. Irritable and impatient.
- Mental Symptoms: Irritable, impatient, and easily angered.
- Physical Symptoms: Digestive issues, especially after overeating or drinking, constipation, and headaches.
- Thermal: Chilly, with a desire for warmth.
10. Phosphorus (Phosphorus):
- Keynotes: Sensitive and impressionable, with a desire for company. Bleeding tendencies, with a craving for cold drinks.
- Mental Symptoms: Sensitive, impressionable, and anxious, with a desire for company.
- Physical Symptoms: Bleeding tendencies, nosebleeds, bruising easily, and a dry, hoarse cough.
- Thermal: Chilly, but can have a burning heat.
11. Pulsatilla Nigricans (Wind Flower):
- Keynotes: Changeable symptoms, with a need for consolation and reassurance. Crying easily.
- Mental Symptoms: Changeable moods, weepy, and clingy.
- Physical Symptoms: Digestive issues, especially after fatty or rich foods, irregular menstrual cycles, and hay fever.
- Thermal: Chilly, but can be aggravated by heat.
12. Rhus Toxicodendron (Poison Ivy):
- Keynotes: Stiffness and pain, especially on first movement, improving with continued motion. Restless and unable to find a comfortable position.
- Mental Symptoms: Restless, anxious, and unable to relax.
- Physical Symptoms: Stiffness and pain in the joints and muscles, especially after overexertion, and skin rashes with intense itching.
- Thermal: Chilly, but better with warmth.
13. Sepia Officinalis (Cuttlefish Ink):
- Keynotes: Hormonal issues, especially in women, with a feeling of indifference towards loved ones. Dragging sensation in the pelvis.
- Mental Symptoms: Indifferent, irritable, and easily exhausted.
- Physical Symptoms: Hormonal issues, irregular menstrual cycles, prolapse of organs, and hair loss.
- Thermal: Chilly, with a craving for vinegar.
14. Silicea (Silica, Pure Flint):
- Keynotes: Weakness and lack of stamina, with a fear of failure. Lack of confidence.
- Mental Symptoms: Timid, shy, and lack of self-confidence.
- Physical Symptoms: Weakness and lack of stamina, especially in children, slow healing of wounds, and brittle nails.
- Thermal: Chilly, with a desire for warm clothing.
15. Sulphur (Brimstone):
- Keynotes: Dirty, untidy appearance, with a strong body odor. Intellectual and creative, with a tendency towards laziness.
- Mental Symptoms: Intellectual, creative, and lazy.
- Physical Symptoms: Skin issues, especially eczema and psoriasis, burning pains, and digestive issues.
- Thermal: Chilly, but can have burning heat, especially in the feet.
©Dr.Jitesh Sharma
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Edna Watson
Thanks for always keeping your WordPress themes up to date. Your level of support and dedication is second to none.
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